Tuesday, February 26, 2013

First Poetry Workshop in Gawler

The Poetry workshop at the Gawler Community House last night went well, as far as I can tell. There was no angry shouting, people were (or seemed to be) engaged with the subject, and no one stormed out early. Oh, and all of us wrote at least one first draft of a poem, in response to the given prompt drink ruination road. That looks like success to me...

One of the things we did in the first part of the evening was to think about what poetry is. The answers went up on the big whiteboard, and I've copied them onto my notes, to share with the world. I didn't note down who wrote what, but I assume we'll all remember our own words.
Here are the classes' answers to the question 'What is Poetry?':

  • A different way of looking at things, a more descriptive way
  • More concise than prose
  • It's not only rhyme
  • A group of words
  • Emotion recalled in tranquility
  • A fun way to spend my time
  • You can ignore the grammar with poetry, more than prose
  • Anything that isn't prose or drama
  • Poetry has the power to move one's emotions
  • Poetry helps me to think about life
  • Bonsai prose!
  • With poetry, it matters where the line ends
This final response went further, and led to the phrase being discussed, played with and set out differently, leading to two more poetic ways of placing the words on the page. Line endings were discussed and I feel a deeper understanding of this achieved.

With poetry, it matters
where the line ends

With poetry
it matters
where the line
               ends . . .

What do you think about this - What is Poetry to you? Please leave your answers here, for the class to consider next Tuesday night, if you wish! Comments are always welcome!

Friday, February 15, 2013

The Group Grows Some More!

Hello readers,
This group, Adelaide Plains Chapter and Verse is growing, both in the number of members, and in terms of people who're connecting with us. Our short story competition, 'Fairy Tales Twisted Sideways' is attracting a lot of interest, from writers interstate.

As the months go on, the word will travel across Australia, and I expect the entries from all states will arrive in my letterbox. After being involved in an annual Poetry competition over the past 7 or so years, it's been interesting to see how much interest has been shown in this short story competition.

I'm not sure whether it's because more people like short stories rather than poetry, or whether it's the theme of twisted fairy tales that attracts the interest. I just know that this twisted fairy tale competition is exciting lots of tale tellers, with entries rolling in already, with months still to go until the closing date (30 June).

So, if you live in Australia, and you like twisted tales, why not have a go at twisting your favourite fairy tale! The best entries will be published in a book (free copy to all who get in the list of the best ones). There are also first, second and third prizes, with a good sized prize pool...

I look forward to receiving your competition entries!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Another New Member

Well, at our meeting yesterday, we were missing a member, but we had a potential new member arrive. She hasn't handed in for membership form or membership fee yet, but I certainly think she'll be coming back!

We had fun again, and some of us read our homework from last week. We all seem to have had a good think about the books we read way back when we were kids, and it was fascinating to hear what books members remembered from when they were younger.

We did a writing exercise too, one from the wonderful book 'Poetic Medicine The Healing Art of Poem-Making' by John Fox - many many thanks Colleen for passing that one on to me! I feel like Colleen was fated to find this book at the Gawler Community Centre, so she could pass it on to me!

We talked about how our 'Fairy Story Twisted Sideways' is going - we've already received an entry! I've been getting emails every day from people wanting more information about it, and I'm getting even more excited about it.

I hope we get hundreds of great twisted fairy stories to choose from, to put into our collection! If you'd like to know more about this competition, feel free to send me an email about it jeebers@aussiebb.com.au