Friday, November 23, 2012

Big News, Group Numbers Double!

Well, the last meeting was a huge success, with two new people arriving to join in on the fun! I'm not a mathematician, but as fas as I know, two original members plus two new members means the group size has indeed doubled. Double the people means more than double the fun! 

Last night at our meeting, we heard pieces of writing from members based on the challenge set the previous week. This challenge was to write something based on the much vilified story beginning, 'It was a dark and stormy night...'. The results were amazing!

I'm looking forward to the wonders that will happen next Thursday! If anyone out there is able to get to the Prince Albert Hotel in Gawler, please, feel free to join us and we can help you with your writing.


  1. Did someone say something about a prize for this?...

  2. A prize, hmm, when more poems are submitted, and if the quality of entries warrants it, then sure, why not! So far the quality's pretty high, so I'd better get thinking on something suitable ...


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