Do you...
- Write for pleasure?
- Write as a way of expressing your thoughts and feelings?
- Want to develop/expand/improve your writing?
- Attend writing classes or study creative writing?
- Already write professionally?
- Want to share ideas and inspiration with like-minded writers and poets?

If you answered 'Yes' to any of the above, then it sounds like the Adelaide Plains Chapter & Verse Writing Group is perfect for you.
So..How do you become a member? Well, that's the easiest part. Simply turn up at the Prince Albert Hotel in Murray Street, Gawler any Thursday afternoon from 3.30 onwards and check us out. We're usually there till at least seven o'clock - sometimes longer. Drop in for an hour, two hours, four hours - whatever suits you.
If, after your first visit, you decide that this is the group for you, then it's simply a matter of joining the Adelaide Plains Poets Inc., which costs a mere five dollars each year. Ask Carolyn or Colleen for a Membership form and 'Conditions of Membership' form. It's that simple!
It really is that simple - try it out and come back to join up if you like it!