So far, it's still only Colleen and myself meeting, but I won't be surprised if we have at least one new person there next week. I've been involved in many different groups, poetry groups, parents & friends groups, dog breed groups and writing groups.
The main thing I can see that will help this group is the positivity of the two people starting it all. With such a positive beginning, and with an open and accepting attitude, this should take off. The venue is open to poetry, we are known to the publican, and there shouldn't be any problems with us being there...
I have been going regularly to this hotel, the Prince Albert Hotel for many years. The Gawler poetry readings moved to this hotel from a less welcoming hotel in Gawler and the poetry just took off. I'm on the committee organising the monthly poetry readings, and this year we've seen more and more people coming to listen, or to read their own work.
There's a guest reader every month, and an anthology of the best poetry is published every year. We've gone from the front bar, at the beginning, to Victoria's Room, which is a quieter space, with lots of tables and chairs, and with a door we can close to cut out the sound.
We've also gone from having a mike and pa system, with all of the hassles involved in lugging that around, to now going 'unplugged'. This was an idea of one of the regular attendees, who has a vast experience in the theatre, and the experiment showed it was a better way! Trying things out was certainly worth it on this occasion.
So with my experiences with the Poets at the Pub, and my earlier experiences with critiquing the written work of others as well as my own work, this new group is well set up to help new writers. It can also be there to help people looking at new ideas, new genre, new ways of getting their words down on paper, or online.
I also have experience with self-publication, and am able to share my ideas and knowledge on this exciting venture. I know many writers in Adelaide, particularly poets, and can help others to make connections with people who may be helpful to know.
If you'd like to spread your writing wings, please, come along, the front bar's close handy and the food is great!
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