Friday, November 16, 2012

What is this all about?

This is a blog created to introduce the brand new writing group 'Adelaide Plains Chapter and Verse' to the world. It was begun recently by two women with time on their hands, and a desire to take their writing further.

The group meets weekly at the Prince Albert Hotel in Gawler, South Australia. The hotel was well known to one of the two, Carolyn, because she is involved in Gawler Poets at the Pub, which takes place monthly at the Prince Albert. Colleen, the other group member knew of the hotel, because she lives close to Gawler.

So far, there have only been two members of the group, but people have been sniffing around the edges, and with a Facebook Page set up, and a recent article in the local newspaper, the Bunyip, things are beginning to take off!

Carolyn is mostly a poet, with some interest in longer forms of writing, while Colleen has been writing short stories for many years and is now exploring poetry more as well as prose. Between them, these two have years of experience in helping people to achieve better things in their lives. With this new writing group, they both hope to continue doing the same, for others and for themselves!

The group shares words, reading their poetry, or in written word format, and we do writing exercises there too. Any new members are encouraged to bring notebooks to write in, bits of their writing to share, and something to write with!

One of the first poetry writing exercises the group did, was for each member to think of themselves as a herb or spice, and write a poem about it. Group members got stuck into it, after much thinking, to produce two very different poems. Neither of them could think of an appropriate herb of spice, so creatively side-stepped and chose a different form of flavouring. - Colleen opted for Sugar and Carolyn went with Salt.

The results with the first drafts on the night were pleasing enough for them both to do further drafts, to create fine poems to share the next week. We envisage doing many more such writing exercises, and will continue to post details about what the group is doing here into the future.

If you're interested in this group, please get in contact - details are on this website - we'd love to hear from you!

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