Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Competition Deadline Looming!

A reminder that the deadline is fast approaching to get your entry in to the Adelaide Plains Poetry Competition. Entries need to be received by close of business on January 19th.
I've been fine-tuning my entry and it is now ready to be mailed in. Yay!

For more information, head to: Adelaide Plains Poets Inc


  1. I've spoken to the judge, and they're almost champing at the bit, waiting for the poetry entries to arrive! So many different ways to interpret the required theme, great stuff!

  2. Last day today! Contact me today and we can work out any issues before the closing of the competition. - Entries received Monday will be accepted, received Tuesday probably accepted too, if they meet the other criteria.

  3. I received some more poems in the mail today, all postmarked by the deadline - there's at least one more poem making it's way to my home, from far away in rural Queensland. The poet has done the right thing and been in contact, sent me a copy via email etc, so I can give a copy of the poem to the judge when I see them!
    Exciting times!


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